Delivery route planner

Companies that have their own delivery want to deliver orders to customers on time and reduce logistics costs. The usual tasks of a courier service look like this: a logistician receives orders and distributes routes, a courier delivers orders and reports on the work. The algorithm looks simple, but the logistician has to consider the time windows of delivery, the time to meet with the client, traffic jams. You also need to control couriers and monitor the quality of delivery. It is difficult to deal with it manually. Delivery route planner solves the problem.

Let’s figure out what is delivery route planner is, its advantages, and which software is suitable for you. 


What is a delivery route planner?

A delivery route planner is a software that is used for optimizing routes for deliveries. The routing service automatically distributes hundreds of orders in a matter of minutes. The logistician spends several hours on this, distributing routes by hand or in a semi-automatic mode. Time is not the only pain.

To plan courier trips to the exact time, the logistician must consider road repairs and traffic congestion forecast, compare several routes and choose the best one. If not planned correctly, the courier will arrive early or late. Sometimes companies use delivery route planning tools that account for traffic congestion or traffic congestion rates in the morning, evening, and afternoon. Considering the traffic jams here and now, it will not be possible to plan the route for tomorrow. If you take into account the coefficients, you will have to plan delays. 

The algorithm goes through about a billion combinations in a few minutes and gives the optimal route. A logistician cannot do that. This approach reduces the logistician’s time and reduces the number of delays to zero.

The best thing about a route planner for deliveries is that it is not limited to a specific business. The program can be used by:

  • Courier company
  • Delivery service
  • Express Mail
  • Logistics company
  • Trade company
  • Any other organization


These businesses can get the following two main advantages from a delivery route planner: 

Delivery on time loyalty of the client and the conversion to payment for the order depending on the speed and accuracy of delivery. For example, a bank client issues a credit card delivery to pay for treatment urgently. If the courier reschedules the appointment, there is a risk that the client will cancel the delivery and contact another bank – the conversion to credit card activation will drop. Another example is the delivery of clothes with fitting. The buyer pays for the order only after fitting. 

If you plan the route incorrectly, the courier will be late. The routing algorithm takes into account not only traffic jams and road conditions but also business parameters. As a result, it goes through about a billion possible iterations and gives the optimal result. This reduces and eliminates delays, and customers can still choose narrow delivery intervals. 

These are not the only options. You can consider the dimensions of the goods, the working hours of the warehouse, and other essential features for delivery with a delivery planner app.


Fast planning

Firstly, the logistician does not need to use different services – he/she builds routes and tracks the execution of orders in one window. This is already shortening the time. Secondly, the logistician does not waste time planning. The service automatically calculates routes. 

The service shows the route of each courier or vehicle, how many orders have been delivered, and are there any violations. 

The logistician can also manually correct orders. This is convenient if new orders have appeared. First, the service distributes all orders to all couriers. If there is a new request, the logistician adds a point at the end of the route to the courier who is on the way. If you redistribute one route automatically, all routes will be rebuilt; this is inconvenient.


How to save the delivery cost?

A delivery route planner app calculates many routes, considering the forecast of traffic jams, data on previous routes, the way couriers travel, and offers the best option.

For example, you need to deliver 750 orders tomorrow. Twenty couriers deliver orders on foot, ten couriers deliver by public transport, and five couriers by car. 

The logistician sees the work schedule of couriers and the calendar of orders in the app. All you need to distribute orders is to click a button. The built-in routing service will automatically determine how many orders employees can deliver at the right time. If there are many couriers on foot, offer to deliver the service on foot, and do not call the drivers so that they do not waste fuel. It’s cheaper that way.


What delivery route planning software to use?

Now it’s time to look for the right services. Remember that there are a lot of options here, but the right delivery driver route planner is the one that adds real value to your business. Every platform is not offering good services at the right price. Also, it can be challenging to pay a higher price for a new business. 

So, you need a package that meets your business requirements. Here’s what all you need to consider: 

  • Reasonable pricing
  • Must-have Features in a dispatch system 
  • Simple solutions for all kinds of business requirements 
  • A free trial: Sign up for the free trial and see the results yourself! 


Why choose Logdio?

Logdio offer you our experience in the development and implementation of the fastest route planner for managing delivery processes, which are successfully used by many of our clients.

Logdio is a design system that allows you to implement your own delivery service at an enterprise, automate work and organize full control of couriers.

Choose the required functionality, determine the level of interface personalization, include in the assembly additional modules and options developed for your business. Logdio delivery route planner app UK will carry out a full cycle of automation and customization: from business analysis to implementation.

Check the free trial’ route planner app for delivery drivers’ and contact for more details.